In 2003 I discovered Moxie after watching a segment on the Food network. This “new” soda opened my eyes to a world of different sodas that I had never heard of before. This site catalogs my ratings of each of these sodas. If you find any interesting sodas that are not on my list, I would love to try them. If you are interested in trying any of the sodas that I have here, let me know and I'll try to find one for you.

-Mike Shinn,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Seal Ya Later - 4

Seal Ya Later - 4 thumbs up
Just when you thought the novelty dictator sodas were complete, here comes Bin Laden.  In an almost-clever pun on Seal Team Six, this soda highlights the demise of Bin Laden.  Unfortunately it doesn't say what flavor of soda it is.  Even having tasted and rated hundreds of sodas on this site, I could not tell you what they were going for with the flavoring other than a quick gag.  Maybe it's rootbeer?  Cute, but try a different soda if you're going for flavor.
Thank you to the Clarks for all of these recent sodas!