In 2003 I discovered Moxie after watching a segment on the Food network. This “new” soda opened my eyes to a world of different sodas that I had never heard of before. This site catalogs my ratings of each of these sodas. If you find any interesting sodas that are not on my list, I would love to try them. If you are interested in trying any of the sodas that I have here, let me know and I'll try to find one for you.

-Mike Shinn,

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Aloe Splash Mountain Berry

Aloe Splash Mountain Berry : 7/30/2003: Not bad. It's purportedly healthy - no calories, no carbs, contains aloe. I can see what it won't do, but not what it will do. That's just semantics I suppose. The taste isn't bad. It reminds me of a juice box from when I was little. A little like Hi-C. I give it 6 thumbs up. It has a nice wide necked plastic bottle that's re-capable. It is also sweetened with "Splenda." That scares me. I've never heard of Splenda. If she's anything like O-Lean, I think I'll pass on another one if it's offered to me.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Splenda does cause diarrhea if you over do it. I have had sucrolose before and one bottle a day would be all I could drink without negative consequences.